Wednesday, March 6, 2013

For The Record

There are two things I should make note of, and they are as follows:
  1. The majority of announcements, news, updates, important messages I make will be posted on my Twitter account (@ak_gossipghoul), and all of my tweets are automatically forwarded to my Facebook page. In other words, that's the place to check for any important news from me, as well as comments on shoes or complaints about my laptop.
  2. Secondly, never combine practically chugging a venti caramel latte with Dayquil. That much espresso plus the cold/flu drugs (yes, I have been on this flu for more than three weeks now) is not a good mix. It feels super weird, makes blood vessels in my temples and forehead throb, and is not very productive.
So that's my day. Well, that and tons and tons of snow. Seriously, it does not feel like spring. The good thing about the snow, though, is that it means I can wear my fabulous cloche hats and snakeskin print scarves longer. Yay!

Gossip Ghoul.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Run Fast As You Can

This post was suggested by my best friend, whom I refer to as Iris. She's trying to train for a half-marathon in a couple of months and told me she needs an extra push to motivate her to run every day. If I post it here, it'll be out there online, and then she'll just have to do it. Or so she insisted. So here is your motivation, dear:

Run like velociraptors are chasing you.
Run away as if Russell Crowe is behind you trying to sing and slaughter our favorite Les Mis character.
Run like you're running away from Team Gale.
Run as if they recast Kristen Stewart as Katniss.
Run as if they recast Russell Crowe as Haymitch. With musical sequences. Or, even more horrifying, as Christian Grey with musical sequences.
Run as if you're running to sale at Sephora.
Run as if Tim Gunn were waiting for you when you finish.
Run as though Morgan Freeman were narrating your race with a commentary.
Run as if Hank and John Green asked you to.
Run as if there were a wine-tasting at the end.
Run, and I'll try to write more Nyquil-induced poetry for you. Or maybe Patron-induced?
Run because then we get a weekend together.

Motivation enough? Don't hate me for the Russell Crowe jokes; I know it's pouring salt in a festering wound. Just try to keep running and training every day.

Gossip Ghoul.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Writer's Block

So things have been difficult lately. It certainly isn't the first time I've had writer's block, and I don't think I will ever get over how miserable it is to stare at a blank piece of paper and not be able to come up with a single sentence. When one has pinned all of one's future and hopes on words, having a blank mind is truly terrible.

The thing is that I have a long list of topics I want to write about in this blog, but I want those posts to be thoughtful and well written, not filler when I can think of not a single thing to say. A friend whom I shall refer to as Jen suggested that I write about not being able to write. I balked at first, yet here I am writing about the emptiness that is my mind at present.

Also, I'm on an odd combination of Dayquil and espresso as I write this, and my head feels weird because of it. That's just today, though. The excuse for the past few day's is writer's block. The only cure for writer's block is to become inspired. Currently in my jobs there is nothing to inspire me. My new Cosmo should be arriving any day now. Hopefully that will spark something, or maybe the new Oz movie this weekend will, although I seriously hope I'll be able to come up with something to write about before then.

Gossip Ghoul.